How to Sell Leads in SwiftCloud

NOTE: This is the technical operational flowchart of How to Sell Leads Online using SwiftCloud.

Below we’ll dive into the business aspect a bit, but once you have a buyer or multiple buyers (easy), here’s how SwiftCloud can help you hook it all up.

You have 2 basic ways to hook up the lead distribution, which are

  1. One form, One buyer. Best when you have niche e-properties in which you have one buyer for one property. Example: A Maps-SEO’d / locally promoted mini website specific to one local business, such as a solar panel installer.
  2. One form to Many Buyers. Best when you have a larger, more established e-Property and you setup distribution rules. All leads flow into one form, then SwiftCloud can distribute leads based on criteria like
    1. location (closest, or geo-border i.e. state licensing for real estate),
    2. form input field (i.e. buying a home or selling a home or both)
    3. language preference (i.e. spanish speaking).
    4. Round Robin. Best for larger sales teams, i.e. 100 leads come in and get split evenly among 5 sales reps.

As usual, leads can post into SwiftCloud forms via a variety of ways, including

  • Off-domain Web-Form, including WordPress plugins, manually created forms
  • SwiftCloud landing pages
  • API in (Zapier, or Facebook Leads) (More Info)
  • In person (i.e. trade show, via tablet)

Note: Live phone transfer is not supported in SwiftCloud at this time, but we do support live data transfer (the rules fire real-time). Depending on demand, we can add phone transfer, and do have internal code related to this already as part of our “Bloodhound” ad-tracking suite.

How to Sell Leads to Local Businesses – One Form to One Buyer


  1. Create a Folder called (ClientName) i.e. John Doe Insurance Leads
  2. Inside that folder, after they have paid you, create an invoice (or clone the paid-invoice) as a “Credit Memo”. This will record the deposit from which you’ll debit, in order to track delivery and re-orders. Record the amount paid at the top, i.e. $1500.
  3. Inside that same folder, create a spreadsheet, blank, called “John Doe Insurance Leads Batch 1”
  4. Inside that same folder, create a Web Form for this lead-source.
    1. In the blue box (Notification Options), add your buyer’s email(s)
    2. In the same blue box, also select “Write row to CSV”. Select your CSV you created above
    3. Below it, in the blue box, add “Write row to Invoice (Credit Memo / Retainer)”. Select the invoice (Credit Memo) you have already created. Enter the price per lead, i.e. $50.
  5. Push a sales lead into the form to test it. Within 6 minutes you should see a row on the spreadsheet and the invoice. You’ll also see the data in your /incoming folder if the form is set to social-mode, or on your contacts if set to simple mode. Once you verify all is working, remove that first test-row-data from the spreadsheet and CSV and you’re good to go.
  6. Produce the leads, fulfill the order, and when the client is happy, just create another spreadsheet for each order-batch.

NOTE: We will soon have an agreement type called “Top Up” designed for attorney retainers, metered pricing on SAAS (Software as a Service), club pricing (i.e. 10 Yoga visits package) – the basic idea is when balance falls below $X then add $Y to the account automatically. This same software we use internally you can use for post-billing on trusted accounts.

Most clients do not start with post-billing leads.

How to Sell Leads to Companies – One Form, Many Providers

This requires an enterprise function – Leads Distribution. It will allow more complex real-time routing of leads based on rules such as

  • Input on any field i.e. a dropdown choice, radio button, etc
  • Language (i.e. spanish speaking)
  • Location (closest, later can be tied to Asset Tracking system, i.e. route an emergency plumbing request to the closest plumber (truck (asset)) within a group
  • Location (legal border i.e. state licensing for mortgage)
  • Round Robin – used for sales floors

NOTE: SwiftCloud does also have an outbound API, if you have a CRM already handling this. Which CRM is best for you is a personal choice based on your specific needs, so we’ll export as needed.

Key business term: “Induced Leads” must be aligned to service.

If you offer a free gold brick for getting an insurance quote, you’ll get people to fill out a form, but it’s not aligned to their need. Frequently, people give up their personal info (name, phone, loan amount / zip code / other qualifier info) in order to get something.

This is not inherently bad, IF the offered bait is in-line with the service provided.

  • Good: “3 Proven Tips to Sell Your Home for the Highest Price Possible”. Assuming you want home-listing / seller leads, these people are clearly concerned about price and selling their home.
  • Bad: “Win a 3 Day Vacation Voucher with every Insurance Quote”. Bad, because the person may have zero interest in buying insurance, and just wants a quote.

The worst: Passing off people who didn’t know they were going to get called. If that’s you, and downstream clients complain to us, we’ll ban you. Don’t do it. If you’re using SwiftCloud to sell leads, be cool and make sure the prospect-lead is looking to actually solve a problem, and match them to the provider to can solve that problem.

In the end, that’s all it takes to sell leads online. Match potential buyers to sellers.

How to Sell Leads to Real Estate Agents

NOTE: Due to US Federal RESPA laws, we recommend you check into the details of this. Pay-per-closed-deal is illegal to non-licensed people; technically pay-per-closed-deal must be broker to broker. You can, however, as best we can tell (we’re code-nerds, NOT lawyers) you can sell leads to real estate agents.

How to Sell Leads to Insurance Agents

Insurance agents buy leads like anyone else – a typical order might be 30 leads at $20-$50 each, depending on type. Auto insurance are low, certain types of business insurance or life insurance can be much higher.

7 Quick Tips on How To Sell Leads Online

  1. Niche Down. Get really good at one type of lead. Don’t try to boil the ocean.
  2. Drill to Water, then Drill More Wells. Get one traffic source working 100%, but if you’re relying on local maps SEO, and google bounces the algorithm, it might kill you at least temporarily.
  3. It’s easy if you’re just starting out to sell leads, because buyers are not 100% loyal to any one provider – they usually just want business. Anyone spending money on PPC is also often a good target.
  4. Build a reputation. Relationships are gold. Create bad leads and it’ll quickly catch up to you, nobody can hide online any more.
  5. Move FAST on data. Leads age by the MINUTE. We had clients buying real-time leads and within 5 minutes they were the 4th caller.
  6. Nurture dead leads with automated content. Some leads – say, plumbing toilet clogs, are pretty much dead within a day. Nobody waits around on a clogged toilet. Other leads – say, reverse mortgage – have a lot less ticking clock, and someone may take weeks to make a move and decide to push it through.
  7. Watch the %s. You’ll get some mickey mouse data, and “returns” are common. Any non-contactable lead should not get charged to the client. When this happens, just delete the row from the CSV + Invoice / Credit-Memo to credit the client.

Related phrases applicable to this entry:

  • How to sell leads reddit
  • How to sell leads online
  • How to sell leads to local businesses

Further reading: Leads Distribution on Wikipedia

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