Mortgage Website Templates

Looking for Mortgage Website Templates?

Mortgage Website Templates are a great place to start for a mortgage website, however, most of the mortgage website templates do not have the technical sophistication to be as profitable as possible.


Nobody wants a mortgage.

They want a lower house payment, or to buy a new house, to pay off a divorcing spouse – whatever the outcome is, but the mortgage itself… not so much.

So there’s the trick, and how we can help – by creating demand.

And that’s why you need more than just mortgage website templates.

You need copywriting.

Generally, loan officers start with a template just to get a nice website done quickly. What they don’t realize is that mortgage website templates will “bleed off” hard-earned traffic and in the end, cost far more in lost profits than the money saved from finding a proper solution.

Typically mortgage website templates are a great jumping off place, but don’t have some crucial features that can make all the difference in your mortgage practice and ultimately lead to profit:

  • Lead-capture on nearly every page with a compelling reason to register and/or contact you with multiple “Calls to action”. A great landing page might convert over 20% of all incoming unique visitors, while most mortgage website templates convert less than 1%. As a result, many mortgage lenders don’t want to invest much money into getting an effective website built, simply because they have never experienced receiving a stream of free incoming leads. Saving money is the primary reason a loan officer or broker looks for mortgage website templates, but unless one has a team to fully implement a complete internet marketing system this is “penny wise but pound foolish”.
  • Integrated CRM (Client Relationship Management). Most Mortgage website templates are a good jumping off point, but connecting one of these to a CRM in the end will take several hours and for most loan officers, work by a programmer or designer. A good CRM is much more than simply an autoresponder, though this is definitely one of the features your website should integrate as a means to automatically incubate leads. A good CRM can disposition leads, schedule follow-up, and guide more prospects into becoming paid clients and eventually referral sources. SwiftCloud was originally Lendermate, a mortgage CRM, started back in 2009.
  • Videos to build trust, save you time explaining the same concepts over and over, increase referrals, and educate your borrowers. Most mortgage website templates don’t have any video available, though a good site should allow you to easily add podcasts, webcam videos, and “template videos” or subscription videos to develop leads from multiple channels such as FSBOs, real estate agent referrals for homebuyers, rehab loans, investor loands, etc.
  • Online 1003. Strictly speaking this is more about saving time and helping an LO or broker work more effectively more than increasing leads production.
  • Integrated blog, hopefully on a WordPress platform. WordPress is hands-down the world’s most popular blogging platform, and what it can help you do is exactly what we’re doing for you right now: quickly write keyword-rich articles about a specific topic, without having to deal with programming or design.
  • Integrated Content Management system. These systems allow you to quickly add new pages and edit existing pages within your website, without having to spend time dealing with designers or money on programmers, and with better results. We have a collection of mortgage website templates that are highly search-engine-optimized and pre-integrated with not just our CMS control panel management system, but also SwiftCRM for autoresponders and client management, and electronic signature for signatures of RESPAs and 1003’s online.

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