What’s a good conversion rate?

Real numbers, as fast as possible, that’s what you want, right?

First, e-commerce. Selling online, if you’re a web rookie… actual credit card or paypal required.

  • 5.31% gets you into the top 25% of all e-retailers.
  • 11.45% gets you into the top 10%.
  • 13% is on par with Amazon.com, arguably the #1 leader in cold-traffic raw conversion on not-too-filtered traffic.
  • Amazon Prime members convert at the eye-popping 74% of the time, which is not even in the same ballpark as any competitor, and over time, will widen the moat in favor of Amazon.

Note the above numbers are on large scale general purpose semi-targeted traffic. If you have an ultra specific website serving only a few thousand people worldwide, it is not just possible but likely to increase your conversion above these numbers (typically these are B2B products or ultra-specific B2C, say, medical treatments for a rare condition in which there’s little competition). In any industry, the more targeted your traffic is and better aligned to your offer, the better your conversion will be.

Sources: RetailDive.com, Jeffrey Eisenberg.

What about lead generation sites?

Auto mechanics, real estate agents & hundreds of other professions actually make the sale offline, and the website is a trust builder and lead generation magnet. Even foot-traffic driven businesses such as retail and restaurants can give away coupons to grow an audience list, so conversion matters even if the real sale happens in person.

Because there’s no “skin in the game” – no credit card required, conversion rate should always be much higher on lead generation landing pages.

  • 88% is the highest I’ve ever seen, but this was in 2009 in the Make Money Online niche
  • 87% to 54% is for really well tuned free offers (usually info-products that cost nothing to distribute) – see Hubspot’s list here
  • Capterra, a leading B2B software directory, says they average 7%, which of course is low compared to the above but this is on broad traffic, in B2B software, with no real free gift or inducement but a flat-out sales call from the company.
  • In real estate, because buyers and listings don’t want to “get sold”, 1/2% to 1% is common (but bad). Note this is influenced by discount or perceived value – investor websites, $0 down sites etc. often convert at 20%.

For excellent landing page examples that are carefully tuned to maximize conversion, spend some time on Unbounce.com example gallery. If you find one you like, you can hook it to SwiftMarketing / SwiftCRM, or if you want something custom based on what you see, drop us a line.


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