When you use SwiftCloud’s software to help grow your rock climbing gym business, you’ll be getting products that aren’t just affordable but simple to use. Why is SwiftCloud a good choice for rock climbing gym software? Happy customers can help you get more business When people prepare to participate in something like rock climbing, the […]

Wrong Company?
WRONG COMPANY? We get a lot of people coming to this domain to cancel a subscription who want FormSwift, which is not us. We have no affiliation with that company, just a coincidental name. This is SwiftCloud. We own the domain SwiftForm.com. We make web-forms and e-Sign software.

Release of Liability Waiver Form – Free
A typical Release of Liability Waiver Form can be setup using SwiftCloud in minutes, with electronic signature, and can be signed either in person (using a tablet, typically) and/or on your website in advance and/or a link included with new-client intake emails or appointment booking systems. Free Setup Offer & Quick Demo START FOR $1! […]

Best Online Waiver Service
Smart waiver software is far more than just legally binding electronic signature – that’s table stakes. The best online waiver service – ours, in our humble opinion, includes functions to save you time, increase your sales & marketing, automate reviews, and do things paper never could – like embed photos, if-then logic, and more. Some […]

The Best Waiver Software [9 Critical Considerations]
The best waiver software needs to… Protect your business from lawsuits, some of which might be intentional attempts to defraud you. Should be “better than free”, i.e. generate more profit than it costs, by cycling waivers back into marketing, referrals, sales Should save you time and be easy to use, i.e. “Set it & Forget […]

Free to You: Free Electronic Signature, Free CRM & More
We have 4 categories of Free here: Freemium, a simple version of software for basic use. We have a free electronic signature account type to sign docs yourself, and some free credits to get docs signed. Free Trials. As we move to metered pricing, all accounts will start with some free credits. Also, we have […]

Merchant Cash Advance Application Template Kit
SwiftCRM is in daily use by many Merchant Cash Advance companies, though Business Funding companies typically also do SBA loans, term loans, factoring, equipment leasing, etc. For anyone looking for a Merchant cash advance application template, SwiftCRM can help you take applications with e-Sign, full bank statement uploads, and as part of our Merchant Cash […]

Merchant Cash Advance Software
SwiftCloud, an industry-leading paperless platform, can help you find, win, and close more MCA deals with our merchant cash advance software. If we could save you over 100 hours setup + weeks or months of delays, plus increase your MCA / Business Funding income, what would that be worth to you? NEW: Decision Engine (input […]

CRM for Recruiters
Recruitment is a very complicated process. Employers frequently need to find opportunities to engage with applicants during the recruiting process to increase their candidate experience and simultaneously build their employer brand. But as the race for talent becomes increasingly tedious, companies have a tough time keeping their candidates interested in them and offer appropriate, updated […]

WordPress Electronic Signature Plugin
NOTE: The actual signature must happen on our server in order for us to legally guarantee the signature contents. The WordPress electronic signature plugin is no longer needed and can be disabled. We will soon add reporting and hand-off functions like confirmation to the WordPress plugin. See this video before you choose a WordPress E-Sign […]