ChatGPT Consultant: Engineer Breakthroughs

Want a ChatGPT Consultant to get your company as efficient as possible to create business breakthroughs?
Talk to us.
We geek out over tough problems.
To help frame the problem further:
  • We can solve the problem for you
  • We can
  • We can build you a fish farm
Need a ChatGPT Consultant instead of an army of interns?
Need to process millions of records to distill patterns aka “Big Data” project processing?
Looking to gain an algo trading edge based on real time sentiment analysis?
TIP: Most of this article was written by AI. A human did the last 15%. 
That’s our a good baseline expectation – it won’t do 100%, but will greatly accelerate things. 
This article was written in about 18% of the usual time required.
Note ChatGPT isn’t the only game in town, it is simply the most well known.
In some cases, custom code, open source (i.e. see also Hugging Face) may be better; AutoGPT allows for persistent “set a goal & forget it” level engagement; newer meta-models even leverage multiple systems together to save on processing cost and/or leverage strengths, similar to how humans make complex decisions based on multiple types of thinking – inductive vs deductive reasoning for example.SwiftCloud leverages multiple systems, including in-house caching of decisions. More than 50% of our work is not public. We have staff with government clearance if needed.

ChatGPT Consulting

ChatGPT Consulting leverages the power of large language models like ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, to transform businesses.With capabilities like natural language understanding and generation, these models can drive a wide range of applications – from customer service to content creation.

Use Cases of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Models

Large language models such as ChatGPT have numerous use cases:

  • Customer Service: AI can automate responses to customer queries, providing 24/7 support.
  • Content Creation: Models can generate articles, blogs, social media posts, and more, aiding marketing efforts.
  • Product Recommendations: AI can personalize product suggestions based on user behavior and preferences.

Exploring Various Types of AI

Besides language models, other forms of AI, like regression models and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), offer valuable insights.

  • Regression Models: These models predict numerical outcomes based on input features, aiding decision-making.
  • GANs: These models can generate synthetic data, enhancing creative processes and improving data privacy.

ChatGPT, like all artificial intelligence models, has its strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a rundown:

Strengths of LLMs including ChatGPT:

  1. Versatility: ChatGPT can be applied across a range of tasks that involve language processing, such as drafting emails, creating written content, providing customer service, tutoring in a variety of subjects, translating languages, and even coding help.
  2. Scalability: ChatGPT can handle a high volume of requests simultaneously, providing services that can easily be scaled up or down based on demand.
  3. Availability: Unlike humans, ChatGPT can work 24/7 without requiring breaks, vacations, or sick days. This makes it particularly valuable for tasks like customer service, where round-the-clock availability can significantly enhance customer experience.
  4. Language Understanding: ChatGPT has been trained on a diverse range of internet text, allowing it to respond to a wide array of prompts with reasonable accuracy and context understanding.

Weaknesses of LLMs including ChatGPT:

  1. Lack of Deep Understanding: While ChatGPT can generate human-like text, it doesn’t understand the content in the way humans do. Its responses are based on patterns it learned during training and not on any true understanding or consciousness.
  2. Inaccuracy and Misinformation: ChatGPT can occasionally generate incorrect or misleading information, as its responses are purely based on the data it was trained on and not on real-world knowledge or experiences.
  3. Ethical and Safety Concerns: There are concerns about the misuse of such technology in spreading misinformation or harmful content. Additionally, while efforts are made to refuse inappropriate requests, it might not always filter out all such content.
  4. Data Privacy: Since ChatGPT generates responses based on its training, it doesn’t know anything about specific individuals unless explicitly provided in the conversation. However, the handling and storage of user interaction data is a crucial aspect that needs careful consideration from a privacy perspective.
  5. Dependency on Training Data: The model’s responses are only as good as the data it was trained on. If the training data was biased or incomplete, this could be reflected in its output.
  6. Context Retention: While GPT-3, and subsequently ChatGPT, have improved the ability to maintain context over a series of inputs, they still struggle with long conversations, occasionally losing track of the context or failing to provide consistent responses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI. It understands and generates human-like text, enabling various applications like customer support and content creation.

What are regression models?

Regression models are a type of AI that predict numerical outcomes based on input features. They can be used for forecasting, trend analysis, and more.

Will AI kill us all?

Personally, I doubt it, because we don’t compete for the same resources. I wrote an article on about this you may find slightly but not entirely reassuring.

What can a ChatGPT Consultant do for my company?

AI is incredibly good at expanding info, collapsing and summarizing info, noticing patterns from large datasets, and starting a rough draft from scratch, which shortens your time-to-results. It will, unquestionably, create winners and losers in our new economy. It will, like crypto, computers, the cell phone, and color TV, end entire world as we know it, but will for sure change the world.

What can you, as a ChatGPT Consultant, do or not do?

You need to be the King or Queen. A ChatGPT Consultant can be a general, but it’s up to you to set the battle objectives. Keeping with the military analogy, we’re at a Gunpowder & Castles moment. Fat legacy companies are comfortable, and there’s never been a better time to engineer breakthroughs.

If you’re working at a large enterprise company, it’s time to think like a startup. How can we keep your momentum, firewall your brand, leverage your dominance and yet stave off the new onslaught of would-be competitors?

What can it do for your company? If you had a small army of interns for free, how might that create a breakthrough for your company? That’s perhaps a good starting place to consider.


Need help with a project?

Reach out to us.

Notes: At this time we are only considering funded projects with budgets in place. Please do not pitch us any ideas based on equity. It may be a billion-dollar idea, but is not a fit for us at this time.