How to Make a Waiver for Your Organization: 4 Simple Steps

How to Make a Waiver for Your Organization: 4 Simple Steps

Creating a legally binding waiver for your organization might seem like a daunting task, something better left to the professionals. However, with the right guidance, anyone can master the art of waiver creation. Consider this your opportune moment to go beyond the comfort of your existing business operations or routine paperwork and step into the world of legal documentation. 

“Knowing how to create a waiver is not just a skill, it is an essential business tool. It protects your organization and allows room for expansion.”

In this article, we are embarking on a journey together, breaking down the process of making a waiver into four key steps. The objective is simple: to guide you towards crafting a waiver that encapsulates your organization’s needs, keeps you legally secure, and gives you peace of mind. So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the important yet intriguing world of waivers!

What are the different types of waivers?

A waiver is a legal document that a person signs to acknowledge the potential risks involved in certain activities and to absolve an organization or party of liability for those risks. There are several types of waivers, each serving a unique purpose.

Some of the basic types of waivers are:

  • Release of Liability Waiver: Embarking on new ventures can be exhilarating for your organization, but it’s crucial to ensure that you’re protected every step of the way. Enter the world of waivers – specifically, the Release of Liability Waiver.  It is a powerful tool that stands between your organization and potential liability issues that arise unexpectedly. By establishing some ground rules for interactions with your business, this waiver gives your organization the freedom to advance boldly into exciting new territories while staying secure. Ready to dive deep into the intricate workings of liability waivers and how they can be a game-changer for your business? Let’s get started!
  • Waiver of Subrogation: In the world of waivers, the waiver of subrogation certainly stands out in its unique role. This specialized document plays a pivotal role in how businesses handle potential compensation claims, facilitating a smoother, more secure operation. Let’s explore what this waiver entails and its essentiality in managing risks and liabilities.
  • The Lien Waiver: Exploring the world of waivers, you’ll undoubtedly come across the term ‘Lien Waiver’. This lesser-known but vitally important legal document plays a crucial role in the realm of property and construction projects. Let’s delve into what it entails and why it is the lifesaver in your toolbox of waivers.
  • Photo Release Waiver: If you’ve ever wondered about the ubiquitous document you’re often asked to sign when you’re about to be photographed at an event, you’re not alone. That, my friend, is the Photo Release Waiver, a little legal masterpiece that serves a significant purpose. Let’s delve into its intricacies, shall we?
  • Parental Consent Waiver: Understanding the critical importance of parental consent waivers in any organized activity that involves minors is a necessary step in crafting a reliable and legally sound waiver for your organization. This type of waiver not only ensures everyone’s safety but also minimizes potential legal complications that could arise. Let’s dive into what makes a solid parental consent waiver and how to create one.

Though these are the more common waivers, remember that there are many types and variations tailored to specific industries and situations. Each of them carries essential legal effects and duties for both parties involved, underlining the importance of understanding their content before the agreement.

What is an example of a waiver?

A waiver is a legal document that a person signs to acknowledge they are giving up a right or claim. For example, in the context of sports or recreational activities, a participant might sign a liability waiver before participating. This waiver protects the organization from legal claims if the participant gets injured during the activity. The participant, by signing the waiver, acknowledges the inherent risks involved in the activity and agrees not to hold the organization responsible for any harm or injury that may occur.

In the healthcare sector, a waiver could be used to allow a patient to decline a certain type of medical treatment. For instance, if a patient has a terminal illness and decides not to pursue aggressive treatment options, they might sign a waiver acknowledging they understand the potential consequences of their decision and absolving the healthcare provider of liability. Another example of a waiver can be found in the field of education. Students or their parents may be required to sign a waiver to participate in certain school activities, such as field trips or sports. These waivers typically state that the school is not responsible for any injuries or accidents that may occur during these activities.

Lastly, waivers are also common in the business world. For example, a company might require employees to sign a waiver agreeing not to sue the company if they are injured on the job. This type of waiver is often part of a broader employment contract and is designed to protect the company from potential lawsuits.

A standard waiver, particularly a liability waiver, is characterized by a liability release statement. This is a crucial component that participants must consent to.

Here’s a quick example of what one of these statements might look like for a fictional freefall company:

Imagine you’re set to participate in a high-risk adventure activity, say, mountain biking or bungee jumping. Before you can begin, the company that’s hosting asks you to sign a waiver. The document essentially states that you understand the inherent risks involved in the activity and agree to relinquish your rights to file a lawsuit against the company if an accident or injury were to occur. This brief piece of paperwork can be a powerful tool for businesses to shield themselves from legal liability. It states in straightforward terms:

“I, [Your Name], understand the risks involved in the activity of [Activity Name] that I’m about to partake. I voluntarily agree to accept any and all risks of injury or death, and verify that I am willingly signing this agreement.”

That’s it! That is the gist of a waiver in simplest terms. By signing, you’re accepting to forgo any claims of negligence that you might have against the organization in the future.

Keep in mind that this example is for educational purposes only. Please note that it is only meant to provide a general overview and does not incorporate precise legal terminology. We advise against utilizing this as a template since it hasn’t been subjected to legal expert scrutiny.

How to Make a Waiver in 4 Simple Steps

  • Work with a lawyer.

As we’ve pointed out, it’s crucial to work with a lawyer when making a waiver. Lawyers have the necessary schooling, practical experience, and know-how to draft legal papers that shield your organization from legal issues.

These online free templates may seem valid to someone who needs legal training. However, they often need to consider the specific needs of your industry or local waiver laws.

2. Invest in digital waiver software.

Finding a lawyer to support your waiver-creation efforts is a crucial first step. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to look for a digital waiver solution. Digital waivers are an online version of traditional paper waivers, containing all the same information and data-entry fields. The primary difference lies in their format – digital waivers exist entirely online, which offers several advantages.

For an in-depth understanding of how digital waiver software can simplify the waiver-gathering process, we invite you to watch this informative video:

As demonstrated in our video, digital waivers come with an array of perks. At Swiftwaiver, we strive to provide you with more than just a mere participant’s signature on your waivers, while ensuring a straightforward process. Our software indeed offers benefits designed to streamline your operations. We, for instance, provide:

Integrations with the business tools: Chances are you’re currently employing business enhancement solutions such as FareHarbor for booking management, and MailChimp for streamlined email services.

Increased accessibility: Multiple language options and remote access to waivers – it’s all about maximizing convenience and inclusivity!

Access to more data via custom fields. By leveraging custom fields, it’s feasible to obtain a range of necessary information, such as participants’ contact details and birthdates. Moreover, there’s the provision to collect vital documents, such as proof of immunization.

An extra layer of security. By leveraging Swiftwaiver’s innovative technology, including its Auto Photo Capture feature, now a pending patent, along with our Certification of Authenticity, your organization is ensured another layer of security. Moreover, the hassle of trying to make sense of unclear handwritten forms has become a thing of the past with the use of our efficient electronic forms.

Our digital waiver software, Swiftwaiver, boasts a flexible nature that effortlessly molds to meet your specific needs. Whenever you feel satisfied with your waiver’s content, you can conveniently incorporate it into one of our ready-to-use blank templates, giving birth to the ultimate digital form tailored to your organization.

3. Determine the type of waiver you’ll need.

When it comes to waivers, more than a one-size-fits-all approach is needed. Each activity or event that your organization conducts could require a distinctly different type of waiver. Although liability waivers encompass a release liability statement, the scope of waivers could be much broader, addressing the specific needs of your organization. Thus, pinning down the right kind of waiver from an array of potential types is pivotal.

Let’s explore a few specific instances of waiver usage. For instance,

Fitness Waiver: This waiver is used by fitness centers and gyms to protect themselves from lawsuits in case a member gets injured while using their facilities.

Event Waiver: This is a document that participants in an event sign to acknowledge the risks involved in the event and to release the event organizer from any liability.

Travel Waiver: Travel agencies and tour operators use this waiver to protect themselves from legal action in case of any unforeseen incidents during the trip.Volunteer Waiver: Organizations that work with volunteers use this waiver to protect themselves from liability if the volunteers get injured while performing their duties.

Volunteer Waiver: This waiver is used by organizations that work with volunteers. It protects the organization from liability if the volunteer gets injured while performing their duties.

If you’re feeling uncertain about the beginning point, explore an activity waiver. This type of waiver is adaptable to multiple scenarios, and with the guidance of your attorney, you can easily adjust its provisions to match your services.

4. Add the form to your software and share!

In order to complete the process, it is crucial to seamlessly incorporate the waiver form that has been expertly crafted with the guidance of a legal professional into your digital waiver software. It is also advisable to include personalized fields to ensure that all pertinent details are acknowledged and authenticated by all parties involved. After the draft has been perfected, it is suggested to have your attorney re-examine it to guarantee its legal soundness.

Once your waiver gets the green light, it’s time to start distributing it to your intended participants. Digital waivers have the advantage of advanced sharing, giving your participants ample time for a careful read-through, agreement to stipulations, and checking out any embedded training content. They can also gear up for the upcoming involvement based on waiver information.

Notably, this method trims down the usual pre-activity form-filling hassle. Stay tuned as we delve further into particular modes to circulate your waiver for a more pleasant signing journey for your participants.

How to Simplify Your Signing Experience

We live in an age when technology develops at breakneck speed, and this rapid progress constantly shapes and raises consumer demands. Industries like adventure tourism, travel, fitness, summer camps, and hospitality feel these changes keenly as they strive to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Let’s delve into how SwiftWaiver’s digital waiver software can streamline and enhance the signing process for your participants:

Waiver Kiosk

With Swiftwaiver’s complimentary mobile application, available for iOS and Android, your organization can transform a simple tablet into a full-fledged, dedicated kiosk for signing waivers. This kiosk can be personalized to match your brand’s aesthetic, featuring your unique logo and selected color scheme. To expedite and smooth the check-in process, your organization has the liberty to establish either a solitary signing station or several kiosks, all at no extra expense.

This feature proves incredibly valuable, especially for larger organizations or franchises. An interesting point to note is the mobile kiosk’s offline functionality, which allows it to securely store your waivers locally until an online connection is re-established.

SMS Text Waivers

In our current digital age, it’s a safe bet that almost all of your participants will carry a smartphone. Using the Swiftwaiver system, you can streamline the check-in process by sending your guests a link to your digital waiver directly via text message. This feature proves particularly useful when a parent has to sign for their minor child but cannot be present physically. Further, if your venture involves outdoor activities where setting up a standalone kiosk isn’t feasible, this method offers a valuable solution.

Embedded Waiver Widget

The embedded waiver widget is your organization’s digital solution to streamline the waiver signing process. Once effortlessly incorporated into your website’s pages, it allows visitors to fill out the waiver without having to navigate away from your website. This tailored widget also enhances brand visibility, with options to customize the design of the interactive button, from its wording and dimensions to its spot and palette, all aligned to your brand aesthetic. Upon successful integration, this widget snugly sits at the foot of your site inviting attendees to fill it out in anticipation of their visit, fostering a more positive experience. 

Email Links

Automated email links effectively put the digital waiver invite right at the fingertips of your recipients. It’s worthwhile to consider adding these links to regular communication channels, like your monthly bulletins, promotional activities, or even during the registration process. This way, you intertwine the waiver link with the registration documents of your participants, boosting the chances that they’ll fulfill the waiver requirements ahead of time.

QR Codes

Digital waivers can be accessed via a mobile device like a tablet or PC at a particular spot Swiftwaiver provides a streamlined solution through its QR Code Generator, which enables your guests to access and sign waivers right from their smartphones. This serves as a fabulous alternative or even an added option to fixed waiver kiosks. 

Additional Resources

No matter the nature of your establishment, say it’s a thrill-seeking touristic endeavor or a philanthropic initiative, circumstances may arise warranting the use of a waiver. The procedure can be simplified for all parties involved by leveraging digital waivers for the generation, distribution, and endorsement of these essential legal documents. If the concept of digital waiver software piques your interest and you’re keen on expanding your understanding of its workings, you can take advantage of a free 15-day trial with SwiftWaiver.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into successful waiver procedures or discovering more about service providers for digital waiver software, don’t miss out on these beneficial resources:

The Essentials of Creating an Activity Waiver: Activity waivers find application in a multitude of sectors. Delve into these fundamental principles and superior strategies to craft the most effective waivers.

Leading Providers of Waiver Software for Your Organization: Are you keen on expanding your knowledge about waiver software prior to settling on an option? This guide, featuring our best selections, is worth a read.

How to Share Your Swift Waiver: A key feature of digital waivers is the option to disseminate them prior to the event. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this.