Swift Cloud SMB Growth Systems – SwiftCloud

Liability Waiver Templates

Need Liability Waiver Templates? Pick out something from the list below, then you can easily modify to suit your needs, customize the logo and company name, and you’re all set – you can be up and running in minutes.

What is a Liability Waiver Template?

A liability waiver template is a legal document that allows a person or organization to release another person or organization from liability for any injuries or damages that may occur as a result of participating in a particular activity. Liability waivers are commonly used for a variety of activities, including extreme sports, recreational activities, fitness classes, medical procedures, educational programs, volunteer activities, workplace activities, home improvement projects, pet sitting and dog walking, childcare, rentals, sports, events, travel, clinical trials, research, and more.

Benefits of Using a Liability Waiver Template

Using a liability waiver template can provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Protecting yourself from legal liability: If someone is injured while participating in an activity that you are hosting or organizing, having them sign a liability waiver can help to protect you from being sued.
  • Reducing your insurance costs: Some insurance companies may offer discounts to businesses and organizations that use liability waivers.
  • Setting expectations and clarifying risks: A liability waiver can help to set expectations and clarify the risks associated with an activity for participants.

Heads up! These are a great starting place, and many have been reviewed by attorneys, but not necessarily for your state and unique situation. For better legal protection, use this to start, then have it reviewed by licensed legal counsel for your jurisdiction.

Liability Waiver Templates

Start your free 7 day trial of Swift Waiver by clicking any template below.

Tips on Using Liability Waiver Templates

Liability Waiver Templates should have the following information:

  • The names and addresses of the parties involved: This includes the person or organization releasing the liability (the releasor) and the person or organization being released from liability (the releasee).
  • A description of the activity or service: The liability waiver should clearly describe the activity or service that the participant is engaging in.
  • A list of the risks involved: The liability waiver should list all of the potential risks associated with the activity or service, including the risk of injury, death, and property damage.
  • A statement that the releasor is voluntarily assuming all of the risks: The liability waiver should state that the releasor is voluntarily assuming all of the risks associated with the activity or service and that they are releasing the releasee from all liability.
  • A signature line for the releasor: The liability waiver should include a signature line for the releasor to sign.

TIP: Linking to your liability waiver from your website to make it e-Signable in advance may reduce the risk of a potential claim someone signed it under duress and in a rush. Even better: Add payment, scheduling, and / or rules into a single doc using Swift Waiver / SwiftCloud Waivers so it’s all done at once.

Liability Waiver Templates

BONUS: Legal Prompts for ChatGPT.

Recommendation:  Customize your doc to be specific to your state or country, then run it by an attorney.

Many of our templates have been reviewed by an attorney, but your situation, needs, legal jurisdiction and risks will vary. This is not a replacement for legal advice. 

TIP: ChatGPT and other AI systems are built into SwiftCloud.

You can ask AImo to write any document you need.


No, a liability waiver is not a guarantee that you will not be sued. However, if a participant in an activity is injured, and they have signed a valid liability waiver, it will be much more difficult for them to win a lawsuit.

Any person who is participating in an activity or event that is covered by a liability waiver should sign the waiver. This includes minors, who must have their parent or guardian sign the waiver on their behalf.

Yes, it is possible to challenge a liability waiver. However, it is important to note that liability waivers are generally upheld by courts in most – but not all – states and countries. To successfully challenge a liability waiver, you must prove that the waiver was invalid or that the business or organization was negligent.

A liability waiver is a legal agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to release the other party from liability for any injuries or damages that may occur during a specific activity or event.

  • Introduction: This section should provide a brief overview of the waiver, including its purpose and the risks that are covered.
  • Definitions: This section should define any key terms that are used in the waiver.
  • Release of Liability: This section is the most important part of the waiver, and it should clearly state that the participant is releasing the business from liability for any injuries or damages that may occur.
  • Assumption of Risk: This section should state that the participant is aware of and assumes the risks of participating.
  • Indemnification: This section should state that the participant agrees to indemnify the facility for any losses or expenses that the business may incur as a result of a lawsuit.
  • Governing Law: This section should state the state or country whose laws will govern the waiver.
  • Entire Agreement: This section should state that the waiver is the entire agreement between the parties and that it supersedes any prior agreements or representations.
  • Signatures: This section should include spaces for the participant and the ski resort representative to sign the waiver.

Here are some additional best practices for liability waivers:

  • Link your website to the waiver to participants in advance of their visit. This will give them time to read and understand the waiver before they sign it.
  • Make sure that participants understand the waiver before they sign it. If they have any questions, be sure to answer them clearly and concisely. Make it available on a phone, which can then auto-translate it if needed for users who don’t speak the language it is provided in.
  • Keep a copy of the signed waiver on file for your records. This will help to protect you in the event of a lawsuit.

By following these best practices, you can create a liability waiver that will help to protect you and your business.

Just some benefits include…

  • Streamlined waiver signing process: Waiver software makes it easy for participants to sign waivers electronically, from anywhere in the world. This can help to save time and reduce paperwork.
  • Improved compliance: Waiver software can help to improve compliance by ensuring that all participants sign waivers before participating in an activity or event.
  • Secure data storage: Waiver software typically stores waiver data in a secure cloud-based database. This means that businesses and organizations can be confident that their data is safe and protected.
  • Analytics and reporting: Waiver software can provide businesses and organizations with valuable analytics and reports about their waiver data. This information can be used to improve safety, operations, and marketing.
  • No Changes allowed – people cannot just cross out a section they disagree with
  • Lookup by Name, Phone, Email
  • Conditional If-then Logic (example: Allergies, or show fields if a participant is under 18)
  • Marketing automation & integration

Waiver software is a digital solution that allows businesses and organizations to create, manage, and collect electronic signatures on liability waivers. Waiver software can help to streamline the waiver signing process, reduce paperwork, and improve compliance.

Phone, including QR code, tablet, kiosk, point of sale system, website. We’ve yet to hear of anyone using a watch or smart goggles, but it should be possible.

We could also do one via video recording only, but that’s probably a bit too techy & intrusive for most businesses.

SwiftCloud is the world’s most advanced e-Doc platform.

We have a LOT of field types, including advanced – media uploads, draw on image, conditional if-then logic and more.

If you need something and we don’t already have it, we’ll probably build it for you.

Yes, waiver software is typically very secure, with bank-grade security. Waiver software providers typically use industry-standard security measures to protect user data.

If you have any additional questions about waiver software, please feel free to contact a waiver software provider.

Note we do have special security options for select fields such as social security, bank data, etc.

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