Guest User (Name Missing)

Show Jane Doe instead of Guest User 8349

Problem: We need _1_ contact to be the “master namer” at any given time. This occurs because there can be multiple people in a doc (i.e. child + parent, seller(s) + buyer(s), etc.).

TL;DR Summary:

Replace the most important role’s field that starts with additional contact, i.e. one that looks like this:

[swift_additional_contact_name name="additional_contact_swift_name_1" role="Seller"]

With something like this: (Required 1 time per doc to auto-name)

[swift_name_both name="swift_name_both" role="Seller" required]

NOTE: Multiple people can fill a single role – example: Husband and wife selling a house may both legally be the “seller”, and legally, both may be required to sign. The additional_contact_swift_name_X (number at the end) must be different if you want them saved as separate contacts.

This gets a bit complex, because reality gets complex, but we can handle it all, once properly configured.

If you add multiple “Name both” into a doc, AND the role is the same, it will convert it to something like

[swift_name_both name="extra_swift_name_both_1588184473527" role="Client" required]

TIP: Revise that big string of numbers to something useful, like

[swift_name_both name="extra_swift_name_both_bottom role="Client" required]

The “extra_” prefix in front of any shortcode tells SwiftCloud to basically ignore the contents, to not treat as a reserved field. These names will show in the PDF, but do not affect the contacts that get generated.


  • [swift_address address_type=”Work” required role=”Client”] — this will get saved to the contact’s address book as their address. If you enter Jane Doe and below enter Minnie Mouse, the contact will get created as Jane Doe.
  • [extra_swift_address address_type required role=”Client”] — this will not. We’ll basically ignore it, other than including in the signed doc. “Minnie Mouse” will show on the PDF, but that’s it. The data is ignored beyond that.

TIP: You can split this into first name, last name if you prefer; if you use swift_name_both, our system will automatically split this into first and last name (most common).

…and both will get added to your address book separately. This is also key for multi-party e-Sign or forms.

NOTE: For multi-party eSign, SwiftCloud will replace shortcodes, and the dominant-role on-the-fly based on who is signing.

This only affects multi-party (3 or more) eSign.


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