Installing SwiftCloud Forms into WordPress is very simple, but we have a variety of form-types and thus many ways to install your forms, depending on what you want to accomplish. Click on any of the links below for more info:…
SwiftCloud Support

WordPress Plugins
SwiftCloud WordPress Plugins: Public / Free: Swift Signatature – electronic signature – Beta Inbound Marketing – Instantly add lead capture to any site including Exit-Intent Popups, Scroll-based Popups, Timed Overlay Popups, Call-to-Action Blog-Post Boxes, Lead tracking options, and more Swift…

Offline Forms for Trade Shows & In-Person Sales
Offline Web Forms We have a client going to a trade show, a live event, where he’s expecting to collect hundreds of leads on tablets, and internet will be somewhere between spotty and unreliable or simply not available at all….

Below is how to the set the nameservers on various domains…. For now, here’s GoDaddy, since they are most common. If you need some other domain-registrar help, just let us know. Get logged in, and in the top right go…

Delegate Access
This help article will show you how to delegate access. It is intended as a way to give us or a consultant temporary access that can be withdrawn at any time if needed. GODADDY Get logged in, click “Account Settings”…

Reviews Shortcodes
Below is the officially maintained documentation for the Customer Advocate Viral Engagement (“CAVE”) marketing system, sometimes also referred to as Swift Reviews or our feedback system. This is particularly powerful for Reputation Management. NOTE: Because we have this plugin installed…

Swift Staff WordPress Plugin Official Documentation
SwiftCloud contains an Applicant Tracking System (“ATS”) to help companies recruit, hire, and onboard both full time workers, freelance and part time workers, and marketing affiliates, both on-site or off-site. SwiftCloud has numerous staffing industry clients, and we’re familiar with…

e-Signature Debugging: Most Common Errors
If you’re having any problems with our e-Signature plugin, here are the most common errors: First, a note: the way our system works is our system goes to your website, scrapes your signable page, and merges it with the signature-data….

e-Signature Error: Please enter at least one field from Email
If you see the following error, please ensure you have somewhere in your signable area the “email” field. How to solve: Easiest: If you’re using our Electronic Signature WordPress Plugin, we have added to your WordPress Editor a “shortcode generator”….

e-Signature Page Not Found Error [Solved]
If you have set up electronic signature, and are getting a “Page Not Found” error when you run a test, the most likely scenario is the thank-you-page, the page the form is set to redirect to after submission, has not been…