Electronic i-9 form online completion is an option with SwiftCloud, but it’s a bit complex – not due to technology, but due to government regulations. Below includes some guidance to how you want to handle your electronic i-9 form policies….
SwiftCloud Support

W-9 Electronic Signature
To setup your own W-9 Electronic Signature page, just clone the template we have already created. Naturally, in your W-9 Electronic Signature page you’ll still need to set up…. Notification – who gets a copy of this? All the data & automation…

Secure Your Account + Merge Accounts
Why do this: One of our most common errors is users sign a doc to test their forms using one of their own emails, this then creates a separate totally disconnected account. Later, they login using that other email and…
What’s a good conversion rate?
Real numbers, as fast as possible, that’s what you want, right? First, e-commerce. Selling online, if you’re a web rookie… actual credit card or paypal required. 5.31% gets you into the top 25% of all e-retailers. 11.45% gets you into…

Change your Primary Email
Heads up! This will change your login email! Note this will NOT affect your login-via-Google or Login-via-Facebook. It will also affect your automations set to “Email me at Primary Email”, which is the default for e-sign docs, forms, e-commerce, etc….

Workrooms are automatically created when another user takes an action on one of your public-facing assets, such as… e-Signs a doc Buys one of your e-commerce products Pays an invoice etc. – more of these coming soon. This video will…

e-Signor PDF Emailed Copy
You can easily change and customize the email to people who e-sign a doc, take a poll or quiz or test, fill in a form, pay an invoice, or a any other upcoming features – in most cases we try…

History, Notes & Event Logging
Storing & seeing notes about a contact or project is easy using the new history system. In general we’ll try to log all events to the corresponding history box for the asset (i.e. workroom, invoice, etc.). All times are recorded…

WordPress E-Signature Plugin 1.0 to 2.0 Migration Guide [Easy]
Migrating from the legacy (and sometimes buggy) 1.0 WordPress e-Signature plugin is easy – 90% is just copy and paste including the shortcodes. To migrate your WordPress e-Signature Plugin to SwiftCloud-Docs, we recommend the following steps: Pick any plan on https://swiftcrm.com/products/electronic-signature…

SwiftCloud Document Types
The following are types of docs you can set any “doc” to. Separately, you can make PDFs and images signable, and there are many other assets within the system such as invoices, items for sale (e-Commerce items), etc. These are…