
Email Icon

Missing Email

If you’re seeing this page, your form is missing an email field and it is required. Add [swift_email] for the signer somewhere – anywhere – into the document. Email (we’ll send you a signed copy of this doc): [swift_email] [swift_email]…

Sessions - Chain image

Using Your Doc / Asset / Etc – What’s Next?

Sweet! You’ve published your doc! Now what? The next step is to make it easy to use, which will vary by your business. Here’s what we recommend…. First, grab a keyboard or paper and jot down – when do you…

High Volume E-Signature

High Volume E-Signature – High Speed Mode vs. Social Mode

SwiftCloud e-Signature contains 2 modes of operation: High Speed “Simple” Mode. This is best for high volume simple docs like liability waivers. It was originally designed for a waterpark that needed 1,000 e-signatures per day, though of course you can…

Electronic I-9 Form

Electronic i-9 Form

Electronic i-9 form online completion is an option with SwiftCloud, but it’s a bit complex – not due to technology, but due to government regulations. Below includes some guidance to how you want to handle your electronic i-9 form policies….

Dropdown Shortcode Snippets

Useful Snippets

The following snippets of shortcode may be of use for dropdowns in e-sign docs and other forms. Feel free to copy and paste these into your own docs. We’ll evolve this over time… Note: Countries is built into SwiftCloud, just…

W9 E-Signature

W-9 Electronic Signature

To setup your own W-9 Electronic Signature page, just clone the template we have already created. Naturally, in your W-9 Electronic Signature page you’ll still need to set up…. Notification – who gets a copy of this? All the data & automation…

google e-sign

Secure Your Account + Merge Accounts

Why do this: One of our most common errors is users sign a doc to test their forms using one of their own emails, this then creates a separate totally disconnected account. Later, they login using that other email and…

e-sign marketing tracking

Marketing Goal Tracking with SwiftCloud

SwiftCloud can fire a Google Tag page-view with various events such as an electronic signature doc signed, invoice paid, e-commerce purchase, helpdesk ticket resolved, and more. Why do you care? This gives you tremendous flexibility for reporting. Here’s a few…

Email to e-signor

Email Not Arriving

If you are not getting notified of some action happening such as an electronic signature doc not sending you a PDF, this will help. STEP 1: Ensure notification to you is enabled. By default, this is ON, however, you should…

e-signature receipt

e-Signor PDF Emailed Copy

You can easily change and customize the email to people who e-sign a doc, take a poll or quiz or test, fill in a form, pay an invoice, or a any other upcoming features – in most cases we try…