
star reviews software

Default Review Form

You have not yet set your default review page. How to fix: Easy! Just 2 steps: Create a review form if you haven’t already (or clone a template then edit it) Set the default on your reviews section of your…

Computer Code

2.38 Updates – Invoices & Estimates, Portal Software, Video Marketing & More

Version 2.38 of SwiftCloud introduces the following systems Major Components Invoices / Estimates / Quotes / Receipts is now in Phase 1: “Just the Basics”. We’ll make this better over time – for now, it’s great for project estimates and…

Advocate Marketing System

Reviews Shortcodes

Below is the officially maintained documentation for the Customer Advocate Viral Engagement (“CAVE”) marketing system, sometimes also referred to as Swift Reviews or our feedback system. This is particularly powerful for Reputation Management. NOTE: Because we have this plugin installed…